was born at 7:08am on Tuesday 28 November 2006 in Edith Cavell hospital in
Brussels. I weighed 3.27kg (7lb 3oz) and was 50cm long (1 foot and 7 inches).
And - yes - for those of you not familiar with Irish names Méabh
is a girl's name, so I am a little girl! I have also been named after my Nana
Reilly (Carmel) and Nana O'Neill (Valerie), both of whom flew over to see me
the day after I was born!
It's also worth noting that I entered the world when Leonard
Cohen's song 'Tacoma Trailer' was playing in the delivery room. My Dad is
convinced that this was an active choice on my part and - therefore - clear evidence of me becoming
a musical snob in years to come, a prospect he is delighted at. Time will tell
if he is right. For the moment I am saying nothing (literally).
By the way Dad told me to tell you all to check out some
indie music web magazine called CLUAS.com.